Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is coming

The girls don't go to school on Friday. So we had big plans today....first, swimming at the Y, then lunch at the pharmacy, then a nearby playground, and finally some errands downtown requiring a bus ride. They love riding the bus. Well, while I was putting on my shoes, they got into an argument which ended with Clara biting Margaret's finger hard enough to draw blood. Needless to say, Clara ended up getting a swat (I swat them if they hurt each other on purpose, and with delight) and then was confined to the Uncooperative Chair for a few minutes. And she was not allowed to go swimming. The last one was the hardest to enforce. She wanted to go swimming and had even gotten out our swim bag and swim suits and a snack for afterwards. And then she didn't get to go. Even Margaret missed her. But when we got home, Clara told me she wasn't going to bite Margaret anymore. She had not bitten her in two years, and she had never drawn blood. I don't think she will do it again.
We walked to Five Points, a nearby commercial area, and they helped me return some cereal at our local health food store. Then we stopped at the toy store for a quick viewing of possible Easter bunny gifts and at the consignment shop to see if anyone had purchased some clothes i was trying to sell. Lots of new toys and great gifts but no one has yet bought anything of mine. Too bad, the two are related.
Clara wants a few things. She wants so many things, she told me, that we need to get a bigger house to hold them all. Ha ha, I said to her. She said I don't need them, Mommy, I just want them. I explained everyone wants things they don't need. And that sometimes it's fun just to look. She agreed. Margaret wanted what else? A bunny. And a fake cell phone so she can call Roxy. We haven't seen Roxy in weeks. Her husband is making her clean houses instead of babysit, because house cleaning pays more than twice what babysitting does. I always thought you dance with the one what brung you, and i did direct her to all her house cleaning clients....but they do things differently in Salvador. I'm needing someone just one or two afternoons a week, just so i can think quietly for a little while. If anyone knows anyone, send them my way.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Help is on the way

It's a little difficult to sit in a room with eight professional education types and listen to them talk not quite English about your child. But I listened well, and asked a lot of questions and learned quite a bit. The upshot is Margaret is just fine, a little above average cognitively, but not up to peer level on her fine and gross motor skills or her social skills. Which I already knew. The great part is that she's going to get special education services at her pre-school. And that she is going to advance to the four-year-old class come fall, and to have a fabulous teacher.

They're even going to evaluate her for more occupational therapy, to be given to her in the school setting as well. We already go to a private pediatric occupational therapist once a week. Clara went with us last week, and told me, confidentially, with her hand over her mouth, "All Tita does there is play, Mama!" Which is true, but some of that play is hard work. And all the services and help Margaret is going to get are free. She doesn't need speech therapy, which kind of astounds me. She was way above average verbally, though not with physical verbal cues. Something the special ed person will work on with her. Such as, if you make an angry face at someone, chances are that person will make an angry face at you.

But I was so relieved to have the meeting convene and then end on a positive note. I learned that many parents who hear their child needs help just refuse to accept the help or the conclusions. They expect their kid to be perfect, and don't want to hear anything but that. Kids have been withdrawn from our pre-school because the parents didn't want to hear anything but positive news. I am convinced that, with help, Margaret will be ready for kindergarten when Clara is ready, which will be in the fall of 2011.

We have discovered on line all these old Mickey Mouse cartoons from the late 1920's. They are hilarious, black and white and just wacky. I understand that Walt was involved in these cartoons. Very very funny stuff. The girls love them, and so do I.

Clara has picked out her next big purchase. She wants a bunk bed from the Land of Nod that has a double bed down below and a single bunk above. It's a very cool setup, but it costs about two thousand dollars. We can't swing that, but maybe Gene can build something similar. It's such a good idea. Margaret has claimed the bottom, and Clara wants the top bunk. Don't think this is happening for them right now.

I can hear Margaret snoring. She has snored since she was a baby. There's nothing wrong with her lungs, and she doesn't get ear infections or have any problems. But, Lord, the girl can snore!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

spring is coming....eventually!

Redken Smooth Down. I love you.
This is the shampoo that's saving me half an hour every day. That's letting me brush and even comb Margaret's hair without fighting her. That makes her beautiful hair even more lovely. Ahhh. Before I learned about Smooth Down, I spent 45 minutes a day combing and brushing her oh-so-curly hair. One week, I decided to forgo a good de-tangling, and her hair almost went completely to reddish blonde dreadlocks. So now we have hair that's down to the middle of her back when wet, and just a little above her shoulders when dry, floating like a cloud. And both she and I are much happier.

Margaret and Clara are going to be singing in church this coming Sunday, along with 20 other little people. I can't wait to hear them. I am sure I'm going to be that obnoxious mama crowding to the front of every performance. Maybe I can find a way to get it on film! Both girls like to hear me sing, which I do constantly, and both love to sing. Clara can actually carry a tune; Margaret sings herself to sleep at night, and she, too, can sing recognizable songs. Though she won't do it in the day. Probably doesn't want to compete with her hammy mama and sister.

Tomorrow we meet with Clarke County public school system officials. I had them do a pre-school assessment on Margaret to see if she will be ready for four-year-old work come fall. If they decide she's not ready, they will offer a plan for how they can help her get there, by providing occupational therapy, speech therapy and other services. We already see an occupational therapist every week, and her sessions are having a very positive effect on Margaret and her abilities, thank God. Gene and I are going, along with the principal of the school Clara and Margaret attend, and our occupational therapist. I need someone to translate all that educational jargon for me. Keep your fingers crossed.