Monday, August 20, 2007

Wonder Night

Because babies don't run on schedules, we left very late for the state park on Sunday. I thought I should feed the girls something before we left, thinking they would be too jacked up to eat much at the park. Stuart brought the entree, Gene and I made salads and we arrived at the park close to 8 p.m. This place has a sandy beach that's perfect for sitting and digging with a shovel and bucket. We don't have to hold Clara and Margaret the entire time as we do in a standard swimming pool. They have a bit more independence. The crescent moon was out a little while after we got there. Clara was sitting next to me in the water, busy with her bucket, when I pointed out the moon to her. She pointed up with one finger and said, "Moooo." Margaret made her "Aaaaa" sound at the moon as well. Gene took both girls out into the deep water and they loved that. Stu and Gene started a fire before Gene came down to the water. As it started getting dark, he went back to help Stu, with Clara following behind. One thing about those Crocs she loves: they're not any good in sand. Margaret and I played in the water until it was almost dark. We could see the moon shining on the water as we walked to the picnic table.
By now, we were the only people cooking in the park. Most people were leaving. It was so quiet and lovely. The light on the water was just beautiful. I can't remember the first time I saw fire or stayed outside in the dark instead of falling asleep in my bed as the darkness fell. But I think i will always remember when Clara and Margaret did both of these things.
After he and Stu cooked the meat and corn, Gene built up the fire in the grill so we could see, because by then it was pitch dark....and both girls were just transfixed by the flames. I was fussing and grabbing at them constantly. Just didn't want anything to happen. Imagine how many things I'm going to remember about their lives that they won't even know. I can't imagine how much my own mother knew about me, but I know she held what she knew close to her heart for her entire life, as I'm going to do. It's so precious to me, the life I have with Gene and my girls.

1 comment:

Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

Great stories...cute videos...see you all soon!!!